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J. LaMore Magazine

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Why I love having a daughter.

OK. So I absolutely adore my son, but I always dreamed of having a daughter, and God blessed me with one, so I had to come up with a top ten list of why I love having a daughter.

1) She looks just like me!!! We've performed cloning the natural way!!

2) She has an attitude, is independent, confident, and is a leader. Girl power!!!!

3) She loves to play dress-up in my clothes and take my makeup and hide it under her pillow (like the pink glitter).

4) She's soooooo.....cuddly. Boys just don't like to cuddle.

5) She loves to leave me sweet notes and pictures of hearts and kisses under my pillow. xoxoxo.

6) She loves to sing and dance, pretending to be Britney Spears and other pop stars.

7) Daughters love to "decorate" for any occasion whatsoever. My daughter decorates the house for every occasion or holiday.

8) She loves to cook and bake. I have a helper to set the table for dinner and help make it, even if it's a total mess!!!!

9) She LOVES TO SHOP!!!! She's not a tomboy, thank God. She has her own style, completely different from mine, and I appreciate her coming into her own.

10) She loves me no matter what and tells me all the time. The sweetest words anyone can hear.

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

So cute Lila! BOTH of your kiddies are the best! Must be because they have an awesome mom!

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