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J. LaMore Magazine

Friday, November 06, 2009

What is "Fat?"

Thanks for the great post Clare. It's quite sad that somehow Kate Winslet's weight has become an issue for the tabloids. She's an incredible actress. Enough said!

I recently had dinner with a friend who was complaining about a recent seven to eight pound weight gain. She still looks amazing, but is in a complete funk about life because of the extra poundage. We're talking the difference between a size 2 and now a size 4. Does this sound rational? Our conversation really got me pondering a deep rooted question; where and when did this obsession with weight begin?

I've considered it's possible it starts when we're young, growing up, the impressionable years. Perhaps hearing your mom talk about a needing to go on a diet or an older sister starving herself to fit into a pair of Jordache jeans on Friday night. Another plausible idea could be our insatiable appetite (no pun intended) to imitate celebrities. Everyone wants to wear the same jeans, the same jacket and the same pair of boots as Jennifer Anitson. As if, only for a moment, by fitting into something "she" wears makes us a better person. Constantly comparing ourselves to celebrities who, by the way, have personal trainers, chefs, and dietitians at their beckon call, can't be healthy, mentally or physically.

While I've made a life in the fashion industry, I feel very fortunate to have stayed grounded in my own self image. My weight fluctuates. I don't stress over it. I wonder if this started as a child? My mom ate healthy, I can't recall her ever mentioning her weight or needing a diet. I have two older sisters, who also, never complained about their weight back then, and still seem happy with their bodies today. Whatever my parents did, intentional or not, to help promote a positive self image seems to have made an impact on me. Or was it just luck?

I'd love to hear how you feel about this issue. Please comment here or if you'd prefer, send me a personal email at I'd really like to delve in to this topic more, but I need YOU to help me! What's your body image? What makes you feel better about yourself? Or worse? Do you think your family has influenced your self body image? Do fashion magazines or celebrities influence how you feel?

Deep issues, I know. Let me know what you think.


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