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J. LaMore Magazine

Saturday, November 07, 2009

"Fashion is the Healthiest Motivation for Losing Weight"

I really enjoyed reading everyones perceptions on "what is fat" as well as hearing of others personal experiences. As someone in my early 20's, I'm definitely still surrounded with finding that "ideal" body image- not only by my own standards but also through my friends. I can honestly say I don't go one day without talking to friends about diets, exercise habits, desire to fit into a pair of jeans, etc. The "ideal body image" is exhausting!

The funny thing that girls my age don't realize is that it doesn't do a damn thing to complain about your weight... you have to take action! I'm sure I'm being hypocritical since I am that girl from time to time complaining about my weight, but as I'm growing up I'm realizing you can't complain about anything if you aren't doing something to fix it.

This past fall I've started running and *trying* to eat healthier. I see why it's hard for people! It's a lifestyle change. Although I haven't been perfect about my running schedule, when I am "on" (which is 3 runs a week for me), I feel great! Even if I take a week off, then I work out for 3 days the next week, I may not have lost any lbs, but I just feel better about myself. I've heard before that you are supposed to "think skinny" and I really believe that works. I think if you take care of yourself and think positive thoughts that everyone can feel great!

My question for you friends is have you ever heard of a 10 day cleansing program or something like it? A group of girls I know are hosting this motivational program where you are supposed to work out for one hour/day for 10 days as well as have a strict constructed diet. Supposedly this will kick start your future work out mood and boost your metabolism. I think being healthy for 10 days is a fabulous idea! My worry is that this would have the reverse effect and actually turn me OFF from eating healthy and working out. I know if you push yourself too hard it can have opposite effects. What do you think friends? Would you try something like this? I'm debating on giving myself a "test run"... working out every day(with a few days off) for 30 minutes and eating as healthy as I can for 10 days. Can't hurt, right?!

Chicago, IL

(P.S. I really love that quote in the picture "Fashion is the healthiest motivation for losing weight." No peer pressure, man, or criticism could make me want to loose those extra lbs more than the idea of fitting into my favorite pair of jeans. Do other women find this true, too??)

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