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J. LaMore Magazine

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Woman burns bra because it just didn't fit right!

Chicago, IL- A fully clothed woman appearing quite normal and carrying a cup of coffee and talking on her cell phone, walked out of her Chicago, IL home and threw onto the sidewalk what appeared to be her bra. In an obvious act of severe calm, a witness said that the woman then set the bra on fire and walked back into her house.

J. LaMore reporters indicated that the small fire lasted as long as one minute before a Channel 9 news team showed up and knocked on the woman's door. "Was this an act of protest?" asked a female reporter as the crew shoved a microphone in the woman's face. "No, it wasn't," the woman said, "the damn thing just didn't fit right and I got pissed off about it."

The persistent reporter then asked, "Are you exercising your freedom to express yourself?" "No!" said the woman, "The damn thing just didn't fit right. It's never fit right and I was tired of wearing a bra that doesn't fit right."

The baffled reporter then asked the woman, "Are you braless right now and are you going to stay braless as an act of protest for bad fitting bras?" "NO!" shouted the obviously befuddled woman as she raised her eyebrows and giving the reporter the classic 'WTF' look, "I'm wearing a bra right now and that bra doesn't fit right either, Jesus, . . ."

The reporter then asked, "Who were you talking with on the phone when you destroyed the bad fitting bra?" Was that the leader of the bra burning movement?" The still unidentified woman shook her head in what appeared to be an astonishing amount of disbelief, turned, and left walking past a large crowd of four or five people that had gathered. When she turned around and looked back she saw the reporter wearing a really bad pant suit and sporting "anchor hair" desperately looking for someone to interview.

The fire department showed up and had an incredible amount of nothing to say!

More fashion street news to follow. . . !

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