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J. LaMore Magazine

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

My Love Hate Relationship. . . !

I hate the scale on days like last Sunday! But I loved the sale two weeks ago. As all of the J. LaMore readers know I'm trying to lose some weight. By weight I mean 15 pounds! I'm only 5'5" and to me that's a lot of weight. I've lost six pounds so far but I had a set back the other day and now I'm depressed and I hate the scale, again!

I'm writing about it on Wednesday because I was so angry about it I needed a day or two to calm down. When that happens I fall back into what I know and that is to look for ways in my head to justify the problem.

One problem I seem to be having is that I'm obsessed with the scale. that little metal piece of junk that sits in my bathroom and calls to me everyday. I see it there. Whenever I'm in the bathroom, there it sits. Haunting me and almost laughing at me because on Sunday, the scale has a 50/50 chance of beating me. That's sick but that is how I look at that stupid thing EVERYDAY! What's even more annoying is that I bought a "good scale" as opposed to a cheap scale. Like there's a difference! I'm now yelling at myself as I type.

So, I did some research and here's what I found out for all of you who are in the gravy boat as I am.

1. If you weigh yourself every day it's a reminder to stay on track. A study showed that people who do that lost twice as much weight as those who weigh themselves once a week. Hmmmm!
2. Buy a cheaper scale. Weight is weight! Plus, it won't feel like such a waste of money when you throw it out the window.
3. You can gain and lose as much as 5 pounds in 24 hours. Water is the issue here which includes the water in food, especially vegetables.
4. Muscle weighs more than fat! A lot more! As you exercise you can actually gain muscle mass and lose fat and not lose any weight. This is not news to me but I need to remind myself of this as I can almost run three miles now without stopping and I can feel my legs getting stronger.

I have the three mile run on Easter Sunday and I think I can run the whole thing without walking. I did think I would be lighter by now. I still hate my scale but I feel better about it now. Thanks for letting me rant.

Dallas, TX

Cute Dog!

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