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J. LaMore Magazine

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Earthquake! No Big Deal! (sort of)

Hi Jennifer and congratulations Sarah on dropping the weight and feeling great. That's fantastic! If you ever get to LA look me up and we'll go for a run along the ocean where the scenery is just beautiful!

On a side note, I love living in Los Angeles. I really do, but the earthquakes are starting to annoy me. This is about the 5th earthquake I've been through since living here and, although some are stronger than others, they're scary and you never know if the one your going through will be gigantic and destroy everything.

It's an eerie feeling to be awakened with the windows rattling and your building shaking as they build in strength. You never know how long they're going to last and a million things go through your mind when you begin to feel them.

Anyway, it's St Patrick's Day and we have no plans to do anything. I'm looking for something green to wear, just for fun!

Los Angeles, CA

P.S. I love the fashion news reports. They really crack me up and some of them get me thinking if they're true or not. Very funny!

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