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J. LaMore Magazine

Saturday, March 06, 2010

New Yoana Baraschi!

Hi Jennifer & friends! Love, love, love the new Yoana Baraschi dresses that came in. I couldn't decide what picture to write about because it was a toss up between this dress and the Yoana Baraschi jumpsuit. I guess I could have put them both in. Very cute YB designs.

<<-- I love the new model. She is beautiful!

I know everyone is getting excited for the Oscar's tomorrow night and I'm very bummed that none of my friends really get into them enough to find some parties to go to.

My husband and I love going to the movies and we have a nice flat screen TV to watch movies at home and we enjoy the Oscar's a lot. So, I guess we'll just make it a little family night and grill out and watch all the festivities.

I'm envious of Lynn in LA who can go to the parties that are actually in Hollywood. Her condo party is a really good idea and that sounds perfect for kids and adults. I would also love to be part of a red carpet ceremony at least once in my life, just to experience it.

I'm not a sci-fi fan but when I saw Avatar in 3D I have to say that it was incredible, but I'm cheering for Julia Childs!

I'm up early and I ready to go on my Saturday morning run. My race is not to far away and I can run two miles without stopping now. I weigh in Sunday! Keep your fingers crossed.

Dallas, TX

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