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J. LaMore Magazine

Monday, March 22, 2010

One spoiled dog. . . !

Hi Everyone! Ruby, our spoiled rotten Golden Retriever, gets more attention than any other dog I know. I say this affectionately, because she is a very sweet dog and worth spoiling. She is also a dog that actually smiles, as you can see! If you lived like her you would be smiling too!

Here, Ruby is wearing Dolce & Gabbana sunglasses and a baseball cap while riding in style on a pontoon boat. Jennifer and I go up north with our friends who have a beautiful cabin on Manotowish Waters. But, what's unusual about this is that she will wear the sunglasses all day long if you let her. It's not just a photo prop. They will fall off her but by accident but she won't paw them off if she's just riding in a boat all day. People who ride by and see the cool dog withthe shades on will laugh and point at her. She doesn't like hats, though and she'll knock them off.

If you talk to her she will tilt her head and try and talk back to you as well as stare at you like she's processing what you're saying and she has a memory like no other dog I've ever known. If you say to her, "go get in the boat" she will run down the hill, onto the pier and into the boat and take her seat. And there she'll wait until we're ready to go.

When we feed her she won't eat until you pull a treat out from the fridge and put it in her bowl. If you put the bowl down without going into the fridge for a little something extra she will stare at the fridge and then paw it as if to say, "you and I both know there's a grilled chicken in there. . . !" We have to chop the little extras on the cutting board and she will watch every move you make with her nose right at the cutting board. Chop a little chicken, chop a little burger, scrape it into the bowl and dinner is served. It's all part of the process and if you don't do the entire routine, she'll give you the 'did I do something wrong' look!

I could go on for a long time about how spoiled Ruby is and it's very funny.



Ashley_UPS Store said...

Very cute!

Mandy said...

Ruby~ You look gorgeous & stylish!
Sammy says "Hi" (or really) "arf arf" to you!! He think you look marvelous, too!

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