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J. LaMore Magazine

Wednesday, February 03, 2010

Steve Who?

Ok...pretend you can't see the Steve Madden label on any of these shoes. Can you tell which ones are from Steve Madden and which ones are from TARGET?! I'm a huge Steve Madden shoe fan. J. LaMore used to carry Steven shoes (the designer line) and every shoe they got in was fabulous. I still wear my tan Steven pumps, Jennifer!

Anyway... even though Steve Madden has always been my "cheaper" shoe option, even Madden's shoes are getting a bit expensive for me these days. I'm in need of new pumps and I'm already craving spring shoes, so I decided to check out the Target shoe section today. I was prepared to not find anything because their shoe section is always so hit or miss. Today, target was a MAJOR hit!! They hit so many styles right on... I felt like I was in the Steve Madden store! Some of the styles don't look very cute off, but once I tried them on they looked great. I was a 6 in all styles I tried on, so their sizing was consistent, too! Check out their website, but I'd definitely recommend going in the store to try them on. Like I said, many of the styles look cuter on!

The first and last shoe pictured are from Target and the other two are Steve Madden. I got the sling back ruffle pump from Target and love them. The picture does them no justice...they look glamorous on. I'm thinking about getting the first shoe (the fabric sandal). What do you friends think? Should I get them? They looked adorable on, I'm just worried they won't look cute with dresses, skirts, and shorts. They are only $24.99! But every penny counts these days... Thoughts??

Chicago, IL


Tabitha said...

If I know that a Steve design is popular I hold off and just go to Target...or at least wait until they go on sale. These days it's hard to pay full prices for Steve shoes when I know they'll be replicated in a split second.

SWF_Terra said...

Those sandals are fantastic! Sunscreen is a must though. Those tan lines would be awful.

j3nhow said...

the steve madden ones are very nice!!!!

xoxo jenna

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