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J. LaMore Magazine

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Speaking of App's . . !

Hi Friends & Bloggers! As a guest writer for the new friends 'magazine' I'm excited to be able to write and express myself in a fun and informative way, especially on just about any topic I can think of! I lost some weight and feel great so weight loss is something I know about.

So I decided to write about food! I love food and sometimes food loves me too much that I can't fit into my 'skinny' jeans like these anymore. That's sucks! Is there anything worse than reaching for your favorite jeans only to discover you can't button them! Your past life wearing them will flash before your eyes.

Spring is right around the corner and that means fun and lighter clothing choices to make when going to work or anywhere for that matter. If you want to lose some weight now is the time to start. I found that if you don't keep track of calories it's really hard to lose weight. You have to write down everything you eat to win.

If you're trying to lose weight you want to make better choices when you go out to eat and that's a hard thing to do. But if you have an iPhone you download an app that will help you make better food decisions. When you’re looking at a menu at a restaurant, you never know what type of fat and calories are in a dish. You can guess, but really, you don’t know unless the restaurant provides that information.

It’s a little easier when you’re picking food out at the grocery store because you can see the nutrition information on the package. Still, it takes time to look at the nutrition labels on every loaf of bread or on each can of soup.

The folks from Men’s Health who brought you Eat This, Not That are trying to make it easier for iPhone users to make better food choices with their Eat This, Not That app ($4.99).

I also think that if you buy this kind of app it should have all the important nutritional information I need to help me lose weight. Fortunately, this one is full of useful information and it's pretty cheap at $4.99. Here’s what you’ll get with it.

Restaurant information from all the fast food chains. Super market information containing all the important information you need to buy the best foods. Calorie Logger is cool. If you ever joined Weight Watchers in the past you can keep track of calories and mark them as 'points'. As a former Weight Watcher member, I found this very helpful and worth the $4.99 price tag. I carry my phone with me all the time but could never keep track of my points tracker. Problem solved!
You can also have a Swap choice to replace new found items that are healthier choices than previous entries you made.

I placed the link here to buy the app if you're so inclined. I'm not a big app person but I own this app and I love it.

Thank you for reading and I hope to write again next week.

Minneapolis, MN

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