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J. LaMore Magazine

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Going green is making me red!

Hey everyone! I've been doing some home work on this whole "going green" thing and I have to say that I'm more than a little upset. You know what I mean by going green! 'Green' was the buzz word of 2009 where everyone was supposed to be thinking about ways to save the planet and reduce our carbon footprint.

Hey listen friends, I'm all for it however there's just one problem; I can't afford to go green! Going green is expensive and very inconvenient. I don't think this green thing is working so well for average Americans.

Green hasn't worked in the fashion industry once everyone found out that all the materials are made in foreign countries that are anything but green. It hasn't worked in real estate either! All the vacant houses my boyfriend and I are looking at sit empty because they're "greener" and 30% higher than ones that are only a lighter shade of green, so to speak. If you're trying to buy a house and you're thinking of going green where you want a house that has all the 'green' stuff you want, you can't afford it.

Going green for the average girl is really all about recycling more and driving a car that gets cery good gas mileage or a hybrid. Well I do that all day long and it's my small little contribution. I want to do more but it's out of my price range.

So, I'm pissed off about the whole "go green" stuff and I want a new pair of these grey skinny jeans to calm me down. Really cute! I figure being skinny is going green in a not-eating-a lot-of-food kind of way, isn't it?

Los Angels, CA

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