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J. LaMore Magazine

Friday, January 26, 2007

Winter Tan?

Love the new Sky tops and all of the spring and summer merchandise that is starting to come in...! Of course, it's hard not to be thinking of winter - it's only 9 degrees in NYC right now, and I'm heading to Chicago for what I imagine will be an equally frigid weekend!

Especially in the dead of winter, I have to share with everyone the new beauty service that I'm absolutely hooked on... the "spray tan!" I love to have a little color (who doesn't), but I hate damaging my skin in a tanning bed or messing with the self-tanning lotions and creams. Before a vacation in December, I decided to give the spray tan a shot at Brazil Bronze Glow Bar here in NY. The process is simple (but not for the modest)... A technician airbrushes a tanning solution on your nude or nearly-nude bod for about 5 to 10 minutes; another 10 minutes are spent drying in front of a large fan. The results... Amazing! Great, natural-looking color (you can go as light or as dark as you want) that lasted almost a full week. I've done this again and again - for New Year's and before other occasions where I've wanted to look my best - and thinnest. (Why is it that a tan makes you feel so much thinner?)

I've heard horrible things about the air-brushing "booths," so I would shy away from those. But if you have a spray tan service in your area, applied by a technician, I highly recommend trying it! And it definitely puts me in the mood for spring shopping!

Amanda in NY

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