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J. LaMore Magazine

Monday, January 22, 2007

If you like garlic . . .

then you'll love bagna calda. I went to a "Bagna Calda" party on Saturday night and still have garlic seeping from my pores. Don't turn your nose up though - it was delicious!!! Bagna Calda is pronounced bahn-yah caw-dah (I think) and means "hot bath". My host described it as a savory Italian fondue - you've got olive oil and butter sauce - made magnificently happy and wildly aromatic with anchovies and garlic - accompanied with heaps of meat and veggies. How could I pass up the opportunity?!? I think I ate my weight in drenched meat and yummy veggies. If you're looking for a fun party idea - this is it. She served all kinds of fun Italian wine and desserts and I loved every bit of it. Hope ya'll are doing well.


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