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J. LaMore Magazine

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year Amanda and Jennifer and everyone. I just want to say thanks for a wonderful time in New York. Our family and friends had a fantastic time and we went to three of the restaurants chosen by my "new friends" at We did not get a chance to do a lot of shopping but we went and saw many of the sights and attractions. What an incredible city. I think Paris is incredible but New York is unbelievable! I showed all my friends and we used the list that Amanda and Jennifer suggested to pick places to eat and meet. It was so much fun to do that and so easy. Without some guidance about where to go, we could have made some really bad decisions and had half as much fun.

We went to Pegu and Cru as well as Trattoria Dell Arte. They were perfect choices. Thanks again for making my trip so much better. And by the way, we did pick up the New York Magazine as Amanda suggested and carried it with us. Very helpful! Thanks again and Happy New Year.
Juliette Paris, FRA

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