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J. LaMore Magazine

Friday, October 30, 2009

Look Book, behind the scenes. . .!

Hi everyone: For the past three years many people have asked me about the J. LaMore LookBook and how it all works. Well, I can add a little insight into the process but it's complicated and time consuming and technical. I'm not trying to brush anyone off but I'm not even sure where to begin with how to explain this. But believe me, there is a detail involved master plan.

First, you need a studio and a lot of equipment to make it run right. Then you need lights, more lights and meters to read the light. Then you need camera equipment. Really good cameras and lenses. If I had to choose, I would take a really great lens over a camera body any day of the week. The lens quality is everything for me. You also need lots of lenses too! Really good lenses! Canon is our equipment of choice.

Now that you have that out of the way, you need a "look" from your models then you need to figure what to do with that look. That's where Mandy and Jessica come in as well as a long list of other beautiful models we have shot like Paige, Allison, Melissa and KJ to name just a few. Amazing looks and really nice people, too! Whether you shoot lookbooks in the studio or on location putting the look together takes time and a team of people to make it all work. All the models want the cover (homepage) because that's where all the visitors go first. Ten thousand or so every month and then the lookbook.

J. LaMore has a van that we use to transport all the equipment, models and staff when we go on location. Once we empty out the equipment, the van is set up as a rolling dressing room where the models can change their looks in privacy if we're in the country or in a parking lot in the middle of the city.

Once the pictures are taken (400-500/lookbook shoot) they go to post production. That's where Mandy performs her creative magic and the images are processed for the Lookbook, Homepage, magazines, flyers, etc.

This is just a small piece of the puzzle but I hope you get the idea that it's a lot of work, but it's fun.


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