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J. LaMore Magazine

Friday, October 09, 2009

"jenny designs" . . . . Trend setter!

Hi Jennifer & Clare! I have been following since the beginning and strongly admire Jennifer LaMore's eye for style and ability to see into the future of fashion. Some people have it and some don't.

Here's what I just discovered:

Alexander McQueen (left) recently surprised all of us with his amazing Spring 2010 collection in Paris. I noticed a strong influence of brass and studs in shoes, bracelets and necklaces connected together with rivets. They were stunning and fresh.

I also noticed that J. LaMore recently added jewelry designer Jenny Campbell to with her "jenny" collection. If you look closely you will see a "trend in progress" as well as a glimpse into the soul of J. LaMore. The follow trends but not all of them and that's the interesting part. How does a buyer know what trend will catch on and what trend will not. Like I said earlier, some have it and some don't.

The vast majority of the "jenny" collection is polished brass connected together by rivets. You would have to ask yourself which designer came first with this trend or do they have each other on speed dial. I would have to add that Alexander McQueen is a world wide house hold name and Jenny Campbell is not but I love her jewelry. It's fresh and unique!
I understand that as a buyer for J. LaMore and you probably have trade secrets when it comes to your business but I would love to know how you decide to buy a look as well as picking trends. Clare wrote about makeup trends and tattoo's. That was very interesting and how anyone picks a trend is always amazing to me so anything you can add Jennifer would be greatly appreciated.
Los Angels, CA

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