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J. LaMore Magazine

Monday, October 26, 2009

Nowhere, USA. . . !

Hi Jennifer: I have to inform you of a recent conversation I had with a group of people at a popular LA night club. I took offense to a part of the conversation because the people I was talking with were from Los Angeles and have lived here their entire life.

During the conversation, it was discovered that I was not born and raised in Los Angeles, or California for that matter, but that I was born and raised in a small town in Colorado. Yes Colorado!

After saying that everyone seemed to look at me like I was from a foreign country. They teased me and said I 'escaped from Colorado' and made it to LA as they questioned me about, "what was it like?". . . . "what do you do in Colorado?". . . and, "How did you actually get to California, horseback?" I love horses! "You don't look like you're from Colorado. . . ! I was like, what?

The conversation continued and it wasn't mean and we were all laughing but it seems that these "superficial friends" look at Colorado, and the rest of the middle part of the country, as the place they fly over to get to New York. Apparently, if you don't live in LA or New York you're from "Nowhere, USA" This was the part I took offense too! I love Colorado. My parents still live there and I still have many close friends there. Besides, I think Colorado could beat up California if so inclined. We all laughed at that!

Jennifer, you live in Wisconsin and you definitely don't look like it! I wish you were with me during that conversation.

I live in CA but happily from CO

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

I know exactly what you're saying Lynn! You should see the looks I get at market, so many vendors act so shocked that I live in Wisconsin. They're comments like, "wow, what is it like to live there" or "oh, I've heard that's a nice place to raise a family" always make me laugh. I LOVE Madison and wouldn't trade it for anything! (well, maybe Napa Valley!) ;-)
Thanks for the post, I totally get it!

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