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J. LaMore Magazine

Wednesday, July 01, 2009

'Expecting' to Look Good . . !

Hi Jennifer & Friends: The woman who sits in the "box" next to me is as cute as a can be. I mean seriously, she's adorable. Warm, friendly, very sweet, and, . . . she's seven months pregnant! (I have to mention that she's also one of my best friends so I'm biased here.)

Every day she comes to work I wonder how she can look so much better then every other pregnant woman I've seen. She's never tired, always feels great, she is not overweight, and she wears the cutest clothing. I've never been pregnant so looking for maternity clothing has never entered my mind but after seeing her we talk about maternity fashion all the time. So is it possible to look stylish when your pregnant? The answer is a resounding, yes! But, you'll pay for it!

Through numerous lunch discussions we discovered that looking fantastic comes with a hefty price tag. In the past it seems, maternity clothing focused on celebrating maternity and had little to do with fashion or style or everything was skin tight and kinda gross as well as showing a lot of cleavage because you've gone up two cup sizes. It's like you had no other choices and you were supposed to look this way and abandon your personal style and fashion sense to let the world know you were pregnant. But now looking fantastic is achievable and fun. So I heard.

But celebrities such as Jessica Alba and Gwen Stefani show that glamour can still be achieved. Allow me to introduce you to my salvation brands. There are high end websites like where my friend buys her clothing and she loves it! Another site she frequents is We have spent a considerable amount of lunch time visiting page after page on both of these sites. A lower end site is Seraphine Maternity Clothes which is very nice as well.

So, if your expecting and you're not Demi Moore gracing the cover of Vogue naked, you can still dress fantastic and have fun shopping for two.

Clare London, England


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