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J. LaMore Magazine

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Life's 5 Most Important Lessons

Priceless Legacy, a company that turns interviews with older adults into life stories in print or video format, recently interviewed people from the ages of 65 to 104. They then shared a list of "life's five most important lessons" as told to them in the interviews. I think the lessons are simple and wonderful. I had to share.

1. The simple things matter most.

2. Humor and time cure most pains.

3. There's more satisfaction in giving than getting. Service to others is the most satisfying activity.

4. Choose your spouse carefully. It will be your most important decision.

5. Work hard and in a field or role that you enjoy.

This is a picture of me with my great niece Hayden. Isn't she adorable? Simple pleasures.


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