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J. LaMore Magazine

Thursday, May 17, 2007

It's been so long . . .

Hi Everyone!

Gosh, I can't believe it's been such a long since I got to chat with ya'll. This year has definitely been an interesting one and the last few weeks were no exception. I was in Memphis visiting my family (and Amanda K's) for about 10 days. I anticipated having tons of free time to catch up with friends, J. Lamore, sit in the sun, relax. Ha! My parents don't know the meaning of the word relax and neither does my 11 mo. old daughter:)! Anyway, it was go, go, go from the time I landed to the time I took off. On top of that their internet connection was down the entire time. I came home only to find that my own internet connection was lost. Just today, after nearly 4 hours of repairs, we are back up and running. YAY! I feel like a junkie for saying this but I was really starting to have withdrawals from the net. Well, just wanted to check in. I'm going to catch up on Grey's Anatomy but will definitely chat with ya'll tomorrow.


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