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J. LaMore Magazine

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Welcome Mandy from Athens Greece

Hi Jennifer and welcome to Mandy. I've been completely hooked on Idol because of you and Lynn and I was shocked at the recent events n the show. I thought for sure that Carly would get voted off and when Michael Johns got booted, I put my hands to my face and gasped. I chuckled to myself when I did that realizing that I was hooked on this show.

It also made me think as to how the voting process works because he is more talented then several other singers who are still left. Here's what I found out about the voting process--You can vote as many times as your little fingers can text and if you have a fan base like David Archuleta your locked in. If not and your Michael Johns, you get the hook.

I also found other articles with people who write about changing the voting process, but it won't happen. Thirty five million votes came in-AMAZING!

By the way Jennifer, that's a very cute Sky top you now have in. I love it and thanks again for the champagne coctail drink recipe you sent me. It was a big hit!

Clare London, England

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