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J. LaMore Magazine

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Idol Shocker. . . ! Goodbye Carly!

Ok! Ok! Ok! All my friends at work will say to me "I told you so". I now have to give in to the power of the "fan base". It's either that or I'm tone deaf and need to see a doctor.

How Jason Castro didn't make it to the bottom "two" last night is all based on his fan base. That can be the only explanation because there is NO comparison between him and Carly Smithson. Not even close! None what-so-ever! Don't even try!
Carly got the boot! Why you ask? Fan base! Carly didn't have it and Jason does. At this stage it appears that talent has nothing to do with winning anymore. Carly has a creepoid-tattoo-faced husband (who they keep showing in the audience which cannot be good for the young Idol watchers) and Jason is a young single boy who all the girls love. (Even with the dread locks.) Hmmmm! Can we all say "fan base!"

Jason, who I believe, could care less whether he wins or not was even shocked he was safe last night. Even Brooke was shocked. People love Brooke. She's sweet, but weepy and adorable and all of us can forgive a big mistake.

Latest news from the LA Times: After Brooke was pronounced "safe" by Ryan Seacrest, she ran to the couch as the show went to commercial and laid faced down on the couch sobbing uncontrollably. It was so bad that Paula Abdul walked onto the stage to comfort her. Meanwhile, Syesha turned her back to the crowd and cried as well. Can Brooke be more needier? C'mon!
Syesha has to be thinking - "I sang my heart out and I'm still in the chairs." Fan Base!
Next week it's Neil Diamond songs and I will have to give up my predictions until I consult my 13 year old niece.
Lynn LA, CA

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