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J. LaMore Magazine

Friday, April 11, 2008

Idol Shocker. . . !

What happened last night on American Idol! Michael Johns who's never even been in the bottom three, got booted off the show. I don't think he deserved that at all. And then, the cruel part was when Ryan Seacrest said that ". . . at this time last year no idol contestant has left the show, . . . . . . . but this time we must say goodbye to Michael Johns, . . ." You could see it in Michael's eye's that he thought he was safe for a brief second and then he was told goodbye again. Cruel!

Carly Smithson, who was all but ready to leave the stage thinking she was the one booted off the show this week, broke into tears at the relief of it all. There was a huge "gasp" from the crowd as everyone was shocked. Including me, your ever faithful Idol blogger. The crowd then booed!

I have to say that on Tuesday, Michael Johns was the first Idol contestant to sing and for the past three or four weeks whoever sings first is in trouble of getting voted off the show. My theory is that everyone is thinking he's going to make it for sure and they don't vote for him casting there vote to someone else. He was a very strong contestant to win the entire thing.

If I we're in the remaining group, I would do everything possible to avoid being chosen to sing first. I'm curious as to how they decide who sings first. I may have to Google that to find out.

I can hardly wait until next week to see what happens.

Lynn LA, CA

Also! Welcome Mandy from Athens Greece. That's fantastic. I would love to go there someday and now I feel as though I have a friend there. is spreading worldwide.

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