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J. LaMore Magazine

Friday, December 04, 2009

We're back to denim. . . !

Hi Jennifer & friends! I've been following the fashion mag's and forecasters out here in Los Angeles and what I found is a lot of the the top designers are going back into denim in a deep way. It seems everything is going to be made from denim from ruffle skirts to suit jackets to just about every style you can think of in jeans.

I thought the denim glut had killed the desire for expensive denim wear but the top designers like D&G, Stella McCartney and others seem to have given CPR to the old trend. I don't understand, every expensive denim brand I looked up has their Fall 09' stock down to have price and has been there for some time. There is no way I'm buying $300 jeans anymore. I just can't do it and none of my co-workers are doing that either.

Some of the denim for 2010 is neon blue and there's even denim shoes, handbags and even distressed denim pillows coming for spring. Really! Denim pillows? Ralph Lauren is even designing a line of denim inspired furniture using a mix of materials and washes.

So Jennifer, is this a trend that will be strong for J. LaMore or is it just a runway fashion show thing that never makes it to the stores?

Los Angeles, CA

P.S. I hope you guys had a great party!

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