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J. LaMore Magazine

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Tabloids, . . No More!

Hi Jennifer and Friends! I wish I had an iPhone too! I would love to have this App! How cool would that be.

Anyway, I have a pre new years resolution that I'm going to start right now. I'm going to quit reading the Tabloids. Seriously!

This morning the group of gals that I associate with at work were talking over our lunch break and all we could talk about was what was going on with celebrities. One friend actually pulled out "The Sun" which is England's biggest trash rag and was reading quotes out of it like it was really important. I laughed and made a half serious joke about how crazy all of this celebrity nonsense was that we occupy so much of our time with. Don't we have anything better to talk about then Tiger Woods and all his girlfriends he had on the side? What a loser!

I then made a vow in front of my friends to never read another tabloid magazine again! I'm sick of them. It's not that Tiger Woods pushed me over the edge and that I don't find gossip interesting. Believe me, I have participated in countless gossip sessions. It suddenly hit me that it just didn't seem that interesting anymore. I used to curl up on my Sunday's and pour over 4-5 tabloids with a cup of coffee and just relax in my own little world of mindless dribble!

Then (and this is the good part) I added up all the money I spent each month on this stuff and I was amazed. Stunned is more like it! I now started a "Tabloid Fund" and placed the jar on my desk and every week I'm going to put what I would have spent on a tabloid into the jar. If I can do this by mid summer I'll be able to take a weekend trip to my favorite country bed & breakfast.

So friends, wish me luck! If you have any juicy gossip and want to post it on this blog please feel free to do so. The friends blog, doesn't cost me anything, it isn't 'gossipy' and I love it! :)

London, England

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