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J. LaMore Magazine

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Give me the 'skinny'. . . . !

Hi Friends! Merry Christmas! I get emails all the time from people all over the country who ask me about beauty and fashion tips! As an avid runner and beauty products junkie, I try my best to help anyone who is has a question in this area.

I always do this in private but sometimes the things that I can help with are very common to almost every women so then I'll post the issue on the blog so everyone can benefit! The "friends blog" receives about 3,000 unique visitors a month and from that almost all the questions I receive are about skin problems and beauty products. Wrinkles to be exact and how do we stop them!

As you hit age 30 everything seems to change in a woman's body, especially the skin! And, if you smoke or worship the sun, the turn is even earlier. I highly recommend using sunscreen on your face with at least an SPF of 30 or greater! As much as I used to love it, I don't lay in the sun anymore. Since I stopped I noticed a huge difference in my skin.

Medial science has improved greatly in this area and now there are new products out that are even better for your skin like, titanium dioxide. You just slather it on, it blends in with your skin, and doesn't wear off as quickly as chemical sunscreens.

I also think that diet and stress play a big role in healthy skin and I will address that in the next blog. But, one of the best things you can do for your skin is exercise and sweat. If you don't exercise you should make it a new year's resolution and start. It's also a great way to reduce stress. We all know that this has been a stressful year so if you can do one thing for yourself in the next decade, get some exercise 3-4 times a week.........!

Have a great holiday season.


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