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J. LaMore Magazine

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

New way to reduce stress. . . Not for me!

Hi Jennifer and Friends: I have to pass along a funny and some what strange conversation I had the other day when I was out with some friends in a pub after work. All of us gals work for different companies and we were meeting in a huge popular pub in downtown London.

I arrived first and sat at the bar next to a couple who were discussing a book that was sitting on the bar. The book was titled; F**k It: The Ultimate Spiritual Way by John C Parkin. As you probably know, bar stools are close together and it was impossible not to overhear the strange conversation these two people were having. The bad language is what caught me by surprise and I guess that was the point this couple was eventually trying to make to me.

As I became engaged in the conversation, one of my friends showed up and now both of us were talking to this couple and how they just say "f**k it" when they feel stressed out referring to excerpts in the book. As you can imagine the controversy this kind of behavior will draw is limitless and I asked how it would work in the business world. Apparently you have to say "f**k it" under your breadth in exchange for keeping your job. In reality this is a form of Buddhism as well as a form of cognitive therapy. Whatever! Calling it "F**k It" was only a cool way of marketing the book and you don't really have to say the "f" word if you don't want to. You can use other words to 'get out' or express what your feeling.

The conversation continued with this couple for some time until all of us arrived and we moved to another location, but all of us had a great laugh using this new found form of stress relief that some guy wrote a book about. We also added a few of our own stress relief words and phrases and are looking for a publisher right now.

As you can imagine, most people can rise to this level of stress relief without ever buying a book of such nonsense but this couple truly believed in saying f**k it.

What ever happened to self control?

Clare London, England

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