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J. LaMore Magazine

Monday, June 22, 2009

It's all about me, or them!

Hi Jenifer and friends from around the world. There's a new phenomenon going on in the world of fashion these days; self blogging! Seriously! Blogging about yourself and what your wearing.

Tens of thousands of young woman around the world have created their own blogs and then take pictures of themselves and post the images in 'lookbook' format on them. Some of these young woman have been extremely successful in gaining attention from big name designers and publications and have actually created a press page listing all the links and articles written about them.

These young women are obsessed with thin beautiful models, the photography, the outfit they have on, and who put the look together. Then they find a less expensive version of that look and more or less copy the style or find some other way to make it their own in an almost Lucky Magazine like fashion.

These blog sites are popping up fast and about 85% of site visitors are between the gets of 15 and 25, 75% are women, and 50% are in the U.S. Still, this is a global community with contributions from Poland, Argentina, France, Australia and just about everywhere else that young people care about clothes. Huge blogs such as the Satorialist and Garance Dore are more street driven and have a different feel but these new blogger's are far more self centered as they instruct their readers how to put the outfit together and then tell you where to get it.

The older blogger's tend to write about fashion in a different format and will explain how fashion relates to them in their world like 25 year old New York stylist Kelly Framel does with her blog the glamourai. Twenty five year old Suzi Lau is the pioneer in personal fashion blogging and her site the Style Bubble out of the UK is visited by tens of thousands of young fashionistas. Lau will also admit that it's a little bit vain to write about yourself but says that she found no other way to express herself then to start her own fashion blog.

These blogs are now starting to receive national attention. Marc Jacobs named a fall 2008 bag after a a fashion blogger 'phenom' Bryan Boy. During this past Paris Fashion Week, Rumi Neely, the popular San Diego-based blogger behind Fashion Toast, was flown to the Ungaro show after a picture from her site wound up on designer Esteban Cortazar's inspiration board. She was given a dress to wear to his show and sat in the front row.


Lynn Los Angels, CA

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