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J. LaMore Magazine

Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Fashion Advice

The best fashion and shopping advice that I’ve been given comes from some of my favorite (and very stylish) friends:

My favorite store owner, Jennifer LaMore, has always said to err on the side of overdressed rather than underdressed, if in doubt. It has been great advice, and I allows follow it.

My very chic hairdresser reminds me, when in doubt, to dress for the next season. I’m always fashion forward with that in mind.

My best friend Tanya follows a shopping rule I’ve come to abide by, almost religiously… She shops often (as Jennifer suggests) but rarely buys anything “on the spot.” She keeps a mental list of the items she has to have, and the items she’s still thinking about a few weeks later are the items she knows she MUST buy. She always ends up with pieces she absolutely loves!

And my own advice… if you’re going to splurge, do it on handbags and jewelry – you’ll have them forever and can pass them down to your daughters…

Amanda in NY

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