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J. LaMore Magazine

Friday, June 04, 2010

The Velvet Trend. . . !

Hi Jennifer & Gang! I've been seeing a lot of velvet worn on the runways and in the fashion magazines and from what I can tell there's a new trend on the horizon. And, I have to add, that I'm not that big a fan of this look and material. I think it ages women and can look a little like you were rummaging through your grandma's closet.

If you take a look at the history of this fabric you can find yourself going all the way back to the 13th century when it was worn by Kings and Queens of England and France. Every time I think of velvet I think of movies of that period with Judi Dench wearing long flowing robes and giant cuffs and collars all made of velvet.

But circa 2010 brings us a new velvet as Giorgio Armani had an entire runway show with jackets and pants made of velvet and even furniture and accessories adorn the look. The interesting thing about velvet is that it seems they only use it when making dark clothing; blue's, black, burgundy, etc. I've never seen a light colored velvet anything, or at least I can honestly say I don't remember seeing it.

Velvet of a more current past reminds me of burned out rock stars like Freddie Mercury from Queen or even Mick Jaeger. How about a dramatic over exaggeration of a pimp. LOL! Can you picture this look? It's so vivid in my head.

Needless to say, I'm not going to pick up any velvet pieces anytime soon unless of course I try it on and look fantastic in it.

Los Angeles, CA

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