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J. LaMore Magazine

Saturday, June 26, 2010


I have been wearing my Signorelli t-shirt almost every day when I noticed a message on the inside of the shirt. The basic message was to inspire change and a brighter future upon us. They are dedicated to raising awareness through fashion. I was so impressed that I looked them up on their website. I was so touched by what I found out.

They work closely with Africa to help fund clean drinking water, education facilities, healthcare, and the preservation of the African culture. They also give back to the environment by working with organizations that continue to make the world a better, greener place.

They give back to charities that are committed to developing more innovative medical care and developing education programs for children. They strive to help fund research for autism, create readily available resources for underprivileged children and the homeless. Finally, they help preserve and protect the planet's first inhabitants that globally safeguard endangered species, conserve natural habitats, and secure ecosystems.

You can find this brand at J. Lamore in Madision, WI. If I am going to buy clothes and also be fashionable, I tend to gravitate towards companies that actually care about our world. Besides Signorelli, J. LaMore has many other clothing lines that are committed to becoming green and making this world a better place.


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