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J. LaMore Magazine

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Chocolate Math

Impress your friends with this cocoa-inspired formula, already an Internet fad.

1) Pick the number of times a week that you would like to have chocolate.
2) Multiply this number by 2.
3) Add 5
4) Multiply that number by 50.
5) If you have already had your birthday this year, add 1760. If you haven't, add 1759.
6) Now subtract the four-digit year that you were born.
7) You should have a three-digit number. The first digit of this figure is your original number 9i.e., how many times you want to eat chocolate each week).
8) The next two numbers are...YOUR AGE.

It really works!!!!!

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

Lila, This is so crazy! I can't believe it actually works! Now if we could just figure out a formula that would erase the calories from that daily dose of chocolate! Thanks for sharing!


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