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J. LaMore Magazine

Wednesday, June 02, 2010

What is your ecological footprint?

Hi! It's me Jennifer! Saturday is World Environment Day which reminded me of this great blog Julie wrote on Earth Day. I thought I'd post it again, to allow all of us to take a moment and think about our own ecological footprint! Enjoy!.......

Tomorrow is Earth Day! I found this fun little quiz that you can take to see what your ecological footprint is (basically it just tells you how many of earth's resources you are taking up with your lifestyle.) It asks you about what you eat, how you live, etc. We would need 4.5 earths worth of resources if everyone lived my lifestyle! What score did you get?? Post it on the comments of this blog! We did this for class and scores ranged from 3.1 earths to 6.5 earths. At least I'm average, right?!

It does make me think about the choices I make and what it could lead to in the future. My next step? Trying to buy more organic clothing! Jennifer, what brand is it that you carry that is organic ? I'm drawing a blank! I also try to buy "green" cleaning products, AND I recycle as much as possible! A little bit can go a long way.


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