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J. LaMore Magazine

Thursday, March 26, 2009

My "Weekly Favorite" Item. . . !

Some of my favorite things I often assume are every one's favorite things. Recently, I was getting a 'mani' and a 'pedi' with a friend and I was shocked the salon didn't use Seche Vite. I very quietly mentioned this to my friend, who replied, "what's Seche Vite?" I couldn't believe my ears!

Seche Vite Dry Fast Top Coat is undoubtedly the finest, fastest and shiniest top coat I have ever used. The secret behind the patented formula is how it penetrates through the nail lacquer to the base coat forming a single solid coating over the nail plate. Not only will your nails dry ridiculously fast you will have the most gorgeous gloss you've ever seen! Apply this top coat immediately following your last coat of color. Reapply any time to have that "I just had a mani" look!

It's my favorite item giveaway this week, and that's not all! I'm also adding my favorite nail color from the Spring OPI collection! Seche Vite retails for $10 and is available in nail salons across the US. I'm sharing this favorite of mine along with a gorgeous nail color to every order placed online! (while supplies last) Be sure to enter promo code "sechevite" at checkout.

If you have any questions regarding this product or anything else on send me an email or call me toll free 866-631-3880. I would love to hear from you.


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