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J. LaMore Magazine

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Jessica Simpson. . . Booooed?

Hi Jennifer and friends: As your west coast reporter for all things fashion, fun and well, more fun, I was at the Rascal Flats concert in Irvine, California and had a great time with my friends and co workers. I know Jennifer is a huge country music fan and I thought Rascal Flats was amazing. Great music and tons of fun. Thanks for the tip on that!

However, the opening act was Jessica Simpson. I know that in the friends blog I have picked on Jessica Simpson in the past but I have to say, she is terrible. This woman cannot sing at all. Not only that she forgot the words to a song and was booed terribly. I think booing is rude but when you pay $60 for a ticket it seems like the only recourse you have. She recovered well and said that it happens all the time. Her bad performance was actually more talked about then the great performance of Rascal Flats.
I have more fashion news to report and will do so in a later post. Off to work I go!
Lynn, Los Angeles

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