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J. LaMore Magazine

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Idol frenzy. . . . I love it!

Hi Jennifer: I watched American Idol last night and I have to say it was great entertainment. I've been kind of disappointed in the past few weeks but last night was really good.

Megan Joy Corkrey is my favorite. Aside from the hideous, what-were-you-thinking tattoo on her right arm, this young lady is stunningly gorgeous with a great voice to boot. However, would someone teach this poor girl how to dance or move so she doesn't look like she's drunk or about to taker her first step without crutches.

But, the buzz around LA on the radio and local news was the black finger nail polished Adam Lambert singing "Burning Ring of Fire" by the late Johnny Cash. OMG! I thought it was freaky and weird and . . . freaky and . . . . . wow! What was that! He's gone tonight! I thought in the past he had an incredible voice but when I heard that hideous sound coming from his voice I wanted to, like Simon said, "people all across America tonight want to throw their television sets out the window."

I don't mind when a performer wants to make a song "their own" but that sounded like someone was killing their cat. Yuck!

On another note! I Paula coherent? I mean seriously. Does anyone know what this woman is talking about. EVER! Has she ever made sense about anything? I can hardly listen to her anymore. I think this year she has gotten worse. Don't you think "dope." Randy Jackson has a new saying that is catching on in LA and it's "dope." Everything is "dog, that was dope." I'm sure I know what all of that means but people seem to like it. When I first him say that I thought, "well, that was mean" and it wasn't until later that I had a "ah ha" moment and it all made sense. Sort of!

Anyway, back to work!

Lynn, Los Angeles.

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