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J. LaMore Magazine

Wednesday, April 07, 2010

Health Starts Here

I believe that some of the fundamentals of healthy eating are to eat well, have fun, and take charge. Eat a diversity of whole foods--real, fresh, natural, organic, local, seasonal and unprocessed as much as possible. Accentuate plant-based foods, no matter what type of diet you generally follow. Finally, avoid the consumption of refined, highly processed foods and non-nutritive substances, such as artificial flavorings, colors, preservatives, and hydrogenated fats.

Food should be delicious, pleasurable and fun. This inspires and nourishes body, mind, and spirit. Celebrating where and how our food is grown and its bond with nature further complements and enriches our relationship with our food and environment.

If you dislike leafy greens and/or green veggies, such as I do, here are 2 recipes for you to try. These are great if you have children because you can "hide" the veggies.

It's Easy Being Green Smoothie


16 ounces fresh squeezed OJ
2 bunches of Kale (approximately 16 ounces, or 2 cups)
2 frozen, ripe bananas
1-2 cups frozen mango
mint leaves to taste

In a blender, blend the OJ with Kale until smooth. Add frozen fruit until completely blended and thick. For a creamsicle taste use half OJ and half unsweetened almond milk.

Nutrient Rich Chocolate Smoothie


6 ounces of unsweetened Almond Milk
4 ounces of Pomegranate Juice
6 ounces of organic baby spinach
1 banana, frozen
Dates to taste
3 Tbs Raw Cacao powder
2 cups frozen blueberries
1 Tb Flax Seeds

Place all ingredients in a blender and process until smooth.

These smoothies taste great, and you can't even taste the vegetables.
Just remember:

Have fun!!!! Explore new flavors and textures!!!!!!!


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