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J. LaMore Magazine

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Holey Moley... I Can't Believe It's Not Fattening!!!

I'm excited for Jennifer's new "Favorite Things" blog. From a woman with such fabulous style and taste, I'm sure we'll learn some of her great fashion and beauty secrets! ;)

Unrelated to fashion, beauty, or style, I have a new favorite "treat" that I also must share with the J. LaMore friends. It's a LOW FAT gourmet donut!! (And yes, it's delicious!) It sounds too good to be true, but stay with me... Holey Donuts, based out of Brooklyn, New York, makes THE BEST DONUT I think I've ever tasted, and it just happens to be low fat and even low cal. (Seriously gals, how can we go wrong with that?) I've only tried the classic frosted vanilla, but it was way better than it's counterparts at Krispy Kreme or Dunkin' Donuts, and healthier too (my Holey Donut weighed in at 3 grams of fat and 148 calories, compared to 12 grams of fat and 200 calories for an original glazed at Krispy Kreme or 19 grams of fat and 350 calories for a glazed cake donut at Dunkin').

Their varieties are sure to please anyone's sweet tooth; among others, flavors include Caramel Apple, Chocolate Crumb, Raspberry Graham Cracker, Toasted Coconut, and Boston Creme Oreo Cookie! (Nutrition figures vary by flavor, so check out their website for more info.)

I've already placed orders for my parents and friends. Keep them in the freezer and pop them in the micro for a warm, moist donut whenever your heart desires. Or just let them thaw in the box at room temp. (The website also offers, on occassion, special deals and discounts - I got 60 free donut holes with my last order!)

Definitely give these a try. You can finally have your donut and eat it too! ...And paired with a lowfat latte, you're in for a sinful-tasting breakfast without the guilt (or at least much less)! Amen to that!


Jennifer said...

OMG! I can't wait to try these Amanda, they sound incredible. I can't remember the last time I had a donut and I would eat them every day if I could! Thanks for the great tip!

Anonymous said...

I love these and have tried them before. Yummmy!


Anonymous said...

I absolutely love this stuff too. I had some at a friends houise not to long ago and was hooked.

Boston, MA

Anonymous said...

Yum- I have to try these!

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