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J. LaMore Magazine

Wednesday, September 01, 2010

Manicured Brows?

Lately, to my surprise, fashion magazines are showcasing models with unruly eyebrows.  The first time I saw a young model with a bushy band above her eye, I immediately thought she must be a relative or friend of the designer.  There's no way anyone would intentionally feature those caterpillar like brows.  Silly me, I'm the one who's clueless. 

It appears this is a "hot trend" in makeup right now.  Not only are the brows bushy, they look like they've not been touched with wax strip or tweezers, ever.  Feathery and untamed are gracing fashion runways and magazines at a blazing speed.  I have to be honest, I just don't get it.

Compare for yourself, which style do you like better?  Overgrown, over penciled and thick?  Or refined, waxed, and shapely?

Is it time to reschedule our waxing appointment for the year 2012? 


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