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J. LaMore Magazine

Tuesday, September 07, 2010

8 Things You Need to Know About...You

I came across this short, witty article in the October issue of Glamour Magazine and thought it was brilliant.  After navigating through a health crisis, author Wendy Shanker (pictured left) discovered the secret to happiness is getting to know yourself.  Here (in her words) are the things she's learned that every woman should know:

The number of a doctor who knows your name and listens to you.  "Your grandma was right: If you don't have your health, you got nothing.  The truth is, I used to think I couldn't live without my weekly manicure; now I know I can't live without my health.  Getting ill taught me how important it is to always have a team of people around me."

A way to think about someone other than yourself.  "You don't need to build an orphanage or throw money at a charity (not that I'm stopping you).  You can help out the new girl at work or babysit your big sister's kids.  Focusing on someone else will help drown out the loop of blahs in your head.  For me, it was better than Xanax."

Whom or what you're addressing when you cry out, "Oh my God!" "Is it a spirit or a feeling you get in nature? A person, like the dude at Geek Squad? Gwyneth? Maybe the phrase is just a Valley girl expression to you, but exploring your spiritual path could be one of the great adventures of your life."

The ability to decipher whether you're tired, PMS-ing or you just need lunch.  "Now I know when to see a shrink and when to treat myself to a meatball hero."

At least two "superhero" skills.  "Mine: I always carry exact change, and I always order the most delicious think off the menu.  My alter ego is Entree Girl."

What's really worth splurging on.  "In my case, it was more important to have a beautiful bed to crawl into when I needed to rest than to have a new bag to show off.  The Ralph Lauren European shams were worth every penny."

Your breaking point.  "In relationships, with friends, at work or when you're doing something physical.  You know how yoga instructors say, don't push to the point where you hurt yourself" T They mean it.  And it applies to everything."

A go-to wish for anytime you're near a fountain, about to blow out candles or see 11:11 on a clock.  "It's very generous of you to ask for world peace or protection from oil spills, but I like to think the gods are willing to grant you something personal every once in a while.  My wish list?  The continued stability of my health, for which I am so grateful; the possibility of starting a family of my own; another Madonna tour; a constant flow of funny things to write about; and most of all, an appreciation for what life serves up every day.  As one of my favorite daily meditations reads: May you experience love, joy, wonder and wisdom in this life, just as it is."

I hope you enjoyed this as much as I did!  Hmmm...what are my superhero skills? 




Julie said...

I love this!! Jennifer your superhero skills are looking great in everything you wear and being able to wear heals alllll day :)!

Jennifer said...

Awe...thanks Jules! :-) I knew all this high heel wearing would come in handy one day!

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