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J. LaMore Magazine

Sunday, October 01, 2006

Union Jeans

Union Jeans supply only American made products selected from America's best manufacturers!
The Union Jean Company is organized under UFCW local 1099. They provide multiple services for all Americans and International Unions. Their primary function is to service the garment needs of American individuals, union locals and their members. Union Jeans work very hard to make your fulfillment programs hassle-free and economical. They also believe that the heartbeat of our effort is based upon pleasing individuals by furnishing quality products, by meeting our promised service expectations and by having you desire to come back to us again and again. Union Jeans show you, through their performance, that they care about you by the products they sell.

Union Jean is an organized distribution company involved in the marketing and sales of USA union made apparel. You will become confident that you can depend on us and you will always be able to take pride in wearing the USA made products that are available through The Union Jean Co.

Union Jean supply USA and/or union made products selected from America's best manufacturers. They are members of the Buy American Campaign (BAC) and support the efforts and charter of this worthwhile and important group of Americans.
They believe in the USA, the health of our economy, organized labor and all of the benefits derived from being and buying is proud to add Union Jeans to our website.

See all Union Jeans

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