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J. LaMore Magazine

Sunday, May 03, 2009

Thank you Amanda in New York!

Amanda was our very first intern and our first 'shopping friend' on She is also the sweetest person you would ever meet in your life and one of the smartest too. Jim and I have become close to Amanda and her family over the past ten years and we have shared many laughs and humerous times. Ohhhh I could tell you some stories:

Remember the time we were on a buying trip and you forgot to come to work . . . . ! I think you were upset over that for five years. We still laugh about that today. :)

The flower arrangement you sent is unbelieveably beautiful. There are so many interesting flowers that I can't describe them so we took pictures to show everyone along with the other flowers we we received.

Thanks again Amanda! Jim and I are so happy that you were such a big part of the past ten years.


1 comment:

Amanda B said...

Hi Jennifer,

I STILL think about that day (when I forgot to come into the store) - I'm not sure why, but it still pops up in my memory every now and then! I'll never forget that week or few days (whatever it was)... I spent it cleaning every last inch of the store, hoping you and Jim would have mercy on me if the store looked pretty when you got back! Isn't it funny how things like that can feel like the end of the world, at least in the moment? In any case, luckily the store survived another nine years!!! ;)

Congrats again on your anniversary. What a wonderful milestone! I'm so glad I've gotten to be a small part of it.

I will definitely let you know the next time Anthony and I are in Wisconsin. I'd love to catch up!

All the best,

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