No Fakes!
Hi Jennifer & Gang!
Happy New Year to all! I read your post on "No Fakes" and being from L.A., I completely agree with you. This was big news here and its just the tip of the iceberg. Fake 'everything' is big business and some of my friends par-take in buying fakes and try to pass them off as the real thing. A fake designer bag is not going to last and it's not made to last so you can really tell when you see it a couple of times. I always call them on it when they try to bring hem out and pass them off as real. Baloney!
What I see a lot now is the consignment shops selling fake designer items trying to pass them off as genuine. How can they do that? They must know the items brought in by the customers are fake. You could'nt give me a fake bag or pay me to shop in a consignment store.
And you're absolutely right about the area where they sell these items. Its a gross area and really grimy. Yuck! Your post really hit a sore spot with me. Keep up the great work!
When are you coming to L.A. again? When you do please look me up and we'll go out on the town. I'll take you to the places where people who buy the "real thing" go. It will be a blast. Let me know. Hey! I also love the new Yoana Baraschi green dress that just came in. It's beautiful!
Lynn "mad in LA"
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