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J. LaMore Magazine

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Road Trip Fashion

Every once in a while we all hear the call in our heads: Road Trip! The name alone reminds us of several movies and the first one was Animal House. Who could forget all those drunken guys piling into a car and driving to a bar to see Otis Day and the Nights!

Then the gals jumped on board with Thelma & Louise taking the perpetual road trip that launched the term into pop culture. Now taking a road trip means many different things and looking the part has become important, especially since you probably have a destination in mind and some things to do once you get there. How many road trips have you been on that lead you to Vegas and the term "Whatever happens in Vegas stays in Vegas." The slogan itself is based around the road trip mentality.

Jumping in a car and driving somewhere cool and fun with a group of close friends takes you back to the road trip roots and being comfortable and looking fantastic when you get there is a must. Chances are you're going to be late and you won't have time to change unless you're digging deep into road trip lore and can change in the car.

Try these riding boats from Diego Di Lucca for a comfortable fashion choice for the car ride as well as this Susana Monaco sweater. Not only that, you will look amazing in them wearing skinny jeans and tall boots when pumping gas and getting the head turing looks and occasional snide comments. Those comments are great conversation pieces for the next leg of the trip.

Even if your road trip is a shopping excursion to Chicago or some other big city looking the part is important because you're going to have to eat something and going to a great spot after the day is done is probably in your itinerary. If you're not checking in to a hotel you have to be comfortable all day long and the above out fit will fir the Road Trip Fashion dress code perfectly.

J. LaMore

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