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J. LaMore Magazine

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

I'm still here!!

Ok- I know it has been awhile- but I have kept up with the site, the fashion, and the friends with sneak-peeks between changing diapers, picking up toys, potty training, dealing with tantrums, getting kids to kindergarten (I have to get my 3 kids, my 7-year-old neighbor, my dog, and myself fed, dressed and out the door by 7:30 AM! And I am not a morning person!!!!), and trying to stay somewhat sane(wine helps alot). I have been watching, and I love the fall clothes. If I had to pick a favorite (a hard thing to do), I would choose the Alice & Trixie "Angel" Top. OMG, it is so beautiful. What a great top to brighten a cold, damp winter day, or to wear while sipping margaritas on your winter getaway. I have to have it!!!
Amanda in Miami
PS- Has anyone noticed my football team is ranked number 2 in the country? Jim?!
PSS- Had to throw in a pic of my youngest- 7 months old already!!

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