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J. LaMore Magazine

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Make up help. . . . Please!

Hi Jennifer & friends: I read the "friends fashion blog" almost everyday and find it very helpful. The new skinny jeans by Black Orchid are amazing and I look forward to seeing them on the site.

All the other fashion tips and suggestions are great but what I really need help with is 'make up'. I am completely lost when it comes to make up and what the trends are or what colors are right for me. I know everyone will say that I should go to the MAC counter and get some help and I have tried that but where this fails is when I'm trying on a different top or a dress and I feel the make up I bought from MAC doesn't apply for this outfit. I become confused and I loose my confidence on what looks good with what I'm wearing. Does anyone else have this problem?
So, does anyone have the magic formula on how to apply makeup that's easy for a clueless and helpless fashionista like me? Any advice I could copy and place at the side of my bathroom mirror would be greatly appreciated.
London, England

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