Buy & Sell The Trends! Part 2!
Hello everyone! It seems that a recent article about trends to avoid is on MSN's home page and that has sparked a large amount of emails sent to me regarding buying the trends and how I do that as the buyer for J. LaMore and
<---Harem Pant. Ugh!
Like I touched upon in the earlier blog post not to long ago, you have to be wary of the hype from designers and the media and you must absolutely KNOW YOUR CUSTOMER! We have tens of thousands of clients and I would never want to steer them in the wrong direction. I can't think of one client I personally have that would wear this look but a designer would hype this up like crazy and try and sell it to you, especially if they invested a lot of time and money into it hoping that it catches on.
I can remember the hype about the balloon pant and the Harem pant on a recent buying trip and this is a trend that never connected with the public. Thank God! It's not a good look!
This look is just not flattering on anyone and it may be fashion forward and edgy but you still need to sell it. I think it looks silly! As a buyer I can't see a category where this look would fit into. That's a big red flag for me. Instinct! Listen to your gut! Would I wear the Harem pant? I think NOT! This all comes into play!
Again, being a buyer is not easy but this was an easy decision for me and a trend I new would never catch on.
If anyone needs my assistance please let me know, I would love to help you!
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